The Annual Mining Report (RAL) is an obligation for holders or lessees of mining titles and utilization guides, regardless of the operational status of the mine. Failure to submit or late submission implies an infraction, subjecting offenders to sanctions, including fines per mining process.
Applicable Legislation
The presentation of the RAL is regulated by:
- Decree-Law nº 227/1967 (Mining Code)
- Decree nº 9.406/2018 (Regulation of the Mining Code)
- Ordinance nº 155/2016 of the ANM (procedures for electronic presentation)
Submission Deadlines
Deadlines are defined by Ordinance nº 155/2016:
- March 15 – Art. 70, item I of Ordinance nº 155/2016: for mine manifest, mining decree, mining ordinance, mining group, mining consortium, license registration with approved economic use plan, artisanal mining permit, extraction registration, and areas with utilization guide.
- March 31 – Art. 70, item II of Ordinance nº 155/2016: for license registration without approved economic use plan.
Attention: Due to programmed interruptions in ANM systems, the RAL delivery deadlines for the 2024 base year were extended. Stay tuned for the new deadlines:
- Art. 70, item I of Ordinance nº 155/2016: deadline extended to 03/21/2025.
- Art. 70, item II of Ordinance nº 155/2016: deadline extended to 04/04/2025.
To avoid penalties, organize the documentation in advance and do not leave it to the last minute.
Access and Completion
The RAL must be completed and submitted electronically through the RALweb system, accessible through the Federal Government Single Login.
The preparation of the RAL must be entrusted to a legally qualified professional, with the respective Technical Responsibility Annotation (ART).
The declarant who omits information or makes false statements in the RAL is subject to the sanctions provided for by law.
Branch Registration
Companies with different CNPJs for headquarters and branches can choose to deliver the RAL broken down by CNPJ, an option recommended by the ANM. From December 2020, prior registration of branches in the ANM Cadastral Data System (SDC) is required.
Support and Contacts
In case of problems with the system, contact the IT team via email, including evidence of the error and the CNPJ/CPF of the RAL in question.
Questions about accessing the RAL can be clarified on the FAQ page of the ANM Digital Protocol, or by email
We encourage all readers to stay informed and comply with the established deadlines to avoid sanctions and ensure the regularity of their activities.