The mineral extraction registration is an essential document provided by the National Mining Agency (ANM) in Brazil. It enables public entities such as the Union, States, Federal District, and Municipalities to carry out the extraction and utilization of specific mineral substances to meet the demands of public works, particularly in the construction industry.
In this article, we will explore what the extraction registration entails, the guidelines to be followed, and how to apply for this registration.
I. What is the mineral extraction registration?
The mineral extraction registration is a document issued exclusively by the ANM for non-profit public entities. Its main purpose is to allow the extraction and utilization of mineral substances that have immediate application in the construction industry, such as sand, gravel, soil, and crushed rocks. These substances are used in the production of aggregates, mortars, cobblestones, curbstones, gutters, among other materials required for public works.
It is important to note that the extraction registration is restricted to public entities and cannot be sold or transferred to private companies. Furthermore, third-party mining is prohibited, as clarified by the ANM’s digital information portal.
II. Guidelines to be followed:
- Definition of the area and substance of interest: Before applying for the extraction registration, it is necessary to define the desired area and the mineral substance of interest. The area must be delimited by a polygon, with vertices defined by geodetic coordinates. It is important to ensure that there are no intersections between the line segments forming the sides of the polygon.
- Verification of area availability: It is recommended to consult the SIGMINE – Mining Geographic Information System, available on the ANM’s website, to verify if the area of interest has any ongoing mining processes. If the area is free, the application can proceed. However, if the area is encumbered by an existing mining title, authorization from the holder of that right must be obtained.
- Verification of environmental limitations and prerequisites: It is essential to verify whether the area of interest is subject to environmental use limitations or if there are other prerequisites to consider. Areas such as extractive reserves, archaeological sites, military areas, and integral conservation units may have restrictions. In some cases, obtaining consent from the municipality is necessary if the area is located in urban areas.
- Technical responsible party: All technical documents submitted to the ANM must be prepared by legally qualified professionals, such as mining engineers or geologists. The technical responsibility statement (ART) and proof of payment must be presented to the competent authority.
III. How to apply for the extraction registration:
- Completion of the electronic form: The applicant must fill out the electronic form “Extraction Registration Request” (image), available on the ANM’s website. This form specifies information such as the desired area and the substance of interest.
- Access to the Digital Protocol: The holder of the application or their authorized representative must access the ANM’s Digital Protocol using the Gov.BR account or the CTDM password. The pre-request generated will be available under the “File by Request Code” option.
- Attachment of documents: During access to the Digital Protocol, it is necessary to attach the mandatory and complementary documents required for the extraction registration. These documents may include the descriptive report, location map, ART, and other related documents.
- Protocol submission and tracking: After proper submission with the generation of the SEI protocol receipt, the request will be under analysis by the ANM. It is important to monitor the status of the process in the Digital Protocol and be aware of the deadlines and requirements established by current legislation.

The mineral extraction registration is an essential procedure for public entities that need to carry out the extraction of mineral substances for public works. By following the guidelines provided by the ANM and completing the appropriate application process, public entities can obtain the necessary extraction registration to meet the demands of the construction industry.
It is crucial to be aware of the specific norms, deadlines, and requirements established by the ANM, ensuring legal and environmental compliance throughout the entire process.
With IGNEABR, you will have access to a specialized team in mineral extraction registration, ready to provide technical support, regulatory expertise, and personalized guidance to facilitate and expedite the entire process.