The CBPM (Bahia State Mineral Research Company) recently announced the feasibility of an important discovery that has the potential to significantly contribute to the development of the mining industry. It is known as the Metallogenetic Province of the Northern State of Bahia.
This discovery resulted from extensive studies conducted by CBPM in the previous year, including the Aerogeophysical Survey. The new province covers the northern edge of the São Francisco Craton, encompassing municipalities such as Pilão Arcado, Remanso, and Campo Alegre de Lourdes.
In these areas, regions with potential for the exploration of minerals such as iron-titanium-vanadium, nickel-copper-cobalt, phosphate, iron, gold, base metals, and rare earths have been identified.
This discovery is of utmost importance for the socioeconomic development of the municipalities involved in the new province, as it has the potential to generate jobs and income. Additionally, these municipalities will also benefit from future collection of the Financial Compensation for Mineral Exploitation (CFEM), which corresponds to 60% of the total taxation.
“It is estimated that the area could extend for up to 100 kilometers. This discovery is the result of the important and extensive work carried out by CBPM’s mineral research, ensuring even more success for mining in Bahia. This discovery has the potential to transform Bahia into the second most productive state in terms of mineral production in Brazil,” highlights Antonio Carlos Tramm, President of CBPM.
Importance of Aerogeophysical Survey
The Aerogeophysical Survey was essential for the technical team at CBPM to obtain a better understanding of the mineral resources present in the region. During the survey, approximately 1,200 square kilometers of area were discovered, corresponding to over 6,000 kilometers of aerogeophysical data.
Over the next two years, an extensive drilling program will be carried out to determine the true potential of the province.
The first four drill holes that have been conducted have revealed the presence of new ultramafic rock layers and sulfide-bearing zones, overlain by zones with supergene enrichment of nickel, copper, and cobalt. This demonstrates that this province has high exploration potential and is one of the most promising for the future of CBPM,” explains Rafael Avena, the technical director of CBPM.
Using state-of-the-art technology available in the market, the aerogeophysical surveys conducted by CBPM utilize time-domain electromagnetics/magnetometric airborne systems installed in helicopters. These systems are capable of collecting various sets of data that aid in the discovery of new mineral deposits and can support new exploration programs for the State of Bahia.
Leadership in Research
The modernization of infrastructure carried out by CBPM in the past five years has been crucial for the recent discoveries. During this period, the state-owned company acquired equipment and strengthened its technological potential, including a fleet of 23 new vehicles, state-of-the-art software, magnetometers, spectrometers, drones, and other items that contribute to the advancement of mining in Bahia.
According to data from the National Mining Agency (ANM), Bahia was the state that invested the most in mineral research from 2019 to 2021. In total, over R$ 1.16 billion were invested in public and private investments, covering the stages of research authorization and mining operations.
Over the period from 2010 to 2021, investments exceeded the mark of R$ 2.3 billion, which has contributed significantly to the success of the mining industry in Bahia.

Source: Bahia Mineral Research Company